mardi 30 août 2011

Katerina Golubeva est morte

Dans un entretien sonore, Duras dit d'Anne-Marie Stretter - personnage femme du Vice-Consul, puis, au théâtre et à l'écran, d'India Song - qu'elle est "instruite de l'existence de la douleur".
L'une de ces connaissances que lorsqu'on les rencontre, l'on intègre, qu'on prend en soi, qu'on n'oublie pas, et avec le savoir desquelles, désormais, l'on avancera toujours.

De la même manière, ceux qui avaient vu ce film de Sharunas Bartas sorti en 1996, savent que l'on est "instruit" de l'existence de Few of us, et que l'on était, grâce à ce film et depuis - ou pour d'autres, avant, après -, "instruit" de l'existence de l'actrice Katerina Golubeva.

Elle est morte à 44 ans le 14 août dernier.

L'été m'avait comme caché cette nouvelle, comme s'il l'eût égarée ou gardée sous son aile, comme protégée, comme un secret ; elle vient de ressurgir à l'instant.

Ce n'est pas simplement une information, c'est un événement triste, quelque chose qui advient, vraiment, à l'intérieur du monde.

Ses proches avaient inscrit sur le faire-part une phrase puisée de Robert Musil : "Je crois que la beauté, dit Ulrich, n'est pas autre chose que l'expression du fait qu'une chose a été aimée".

Espérons-lui la paix désormais ; ou pour emprunter à Henri Michaux : Qu'elle repose en révolte.


lundi 29 août 2011


Il y a deux miracles dans le monde qui garderont toujours leur capacité de magie, d’émotion et d’émerveillement : la beauté des filles, le cinématographe.

Trần Anh Hùng, au courant, fait donc un très beau cinéma pour filmer de très belles filles, sur un scénario moins intense en comparaison mais éclairé par la justesse, la pureté, la brutalité de la question centrale de son héroïne : « Pourquoi je ne mouille pas ? »

La Ballade de l'impossible
(ノルウェイの森, Noruwei no mori), 2011


lundi 22 août 2011

So you may think…



This compilation has been made to give a small help to Japan with the small power that we have

All the benefits will go to JOICFP, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning, for their action in helping women, pregnant women and new born children in the East Japanese Earthquake affected area.
Thank you

Listen & Download & Share & Give :

La forêt sans nom,
furtive gallery

1 Xiu Xiu Cumberland Gap (Acoustic) 01:41
2 Papertwin Sleeptalk 04:29
3 Setting Sun Happy Joy 02:49
4 Kate Sikora Satosan 02:48
5 Wonder Bear Reverend 03:52
6 Vilorena Summer Buzz 02:47
7 Yvan&Lendl In Ryujin's enlightment 04:55
8 Big Blood The Winds house 07:42
9 Gregory Wagenheim The Changes 04:30
10 The Townhouses Ouvéa 03:12
11 Anne Bichon Lost 04:07
12 Azam Wires 02:18
13 Hertz in Water Savants 03:36
14 Stephen Molyneux Older sister, Younger sister 01:18
15 Juliette Maï, Nicolas Nakamoto, Yann Bureller La Piscine 01:51
16 Larry Wish On one condition 03:20
17 The Loyal We Synecdoche 03:23
18 Jérémie Grandsenne 20 4 11 03:02
19 John C Judd Chocolate toast 02:21
20 Jeffy Jeff What's up now 02:37
21 Ayato & Naoki Ishida Long tale 03:18
22 Motion Sickness of Time Travel Rising 04:48
23 Alejandra & Aeron Rock me, rock me, rock me 03:49
24 Nova Scotian Arms Seen Through the Lapse of a Hollow Log 02:54
25 Ieva + Hakobune A new morning 09:39
Original painting by Yu Matsuoka-Pol

SO YOU MAY THINK, yeah, that's a good idea for sure, and it's such a pitty that I have no money to give for this.

Yeah, of course I do know what you mean, cause we all do.

No need to say how much these people in Japan need us because you already know it.

But now let's talk of something much much much less important, and think for a second of this fact that there's been artists just working to make this compilation. This maybe you know less about : it means that, while you or your sister was making a career in sales and marketing, or creating advertising, or working in a shop, to earn money and food in making people buy what they don't need, just to make the mess and the tragedy of this world go on, here these 25 folks - like other people do in other opportunities - have given the work of their time just to smally do what they could do, with their little tools for it - 2 guitars, a synth, their voice, whatever -, not to make the big bigger and the rich richer, but just to help people they don't know, because it is good, and because if we don't, we'll just all die in more solitary and miserable conditions.

And in the meanwhile, giving their work, often, they're still not paying their own rent.

So please, just give 5 dollars for this and it will help.

There are people who need you.

Every people need you.

Every single people in this fucking world needs every other ones.

And you need people too.

And you need yourself too. The real yourself.

And no one will find it for you so please, stop doing what they say is good for you and for your happiness, because it's not.

Definitely, it is not. It is good for no one, however much time you'll need to realize it.

The only reason for the lie to be told is, if the lie stops, the companies stop, and the power stops.

So if you're concerned by these words, please stop selling products, making money, adding shit to shit, you're not a bad person but you are doing a bad job.

And you have only one life to change it.

All these words only commit myself as a person, not the artists involved in the project.
